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Introducing: The New Emperor Textured Basecoat

Textured masonry finish


Here at Emperor Paint, we are on a mission to make it as easy and effortless as possible for you to protect and transform your home. As part of this mission, we are always looking to innovate new and revolutionary products that can help both homeowners and professional decorators to achieve flawless results that stand the test of time.

Say hello to the newest addition to the Emperor Paint range, Emperor Textured Basecoat. Using our cutting-edge nano-technology, Emperor Textured Basecoat has been specially designed to help repair surfaces, helping you create a beautiful and seamless finish no matter what.

What is Textured Basecoat?

The most important part of any decorating project is the preparation. Without properly preparing a surface ready to be painted, you can compromise both the appearance and long-term performance of the paint you are applying.

Part of this preparation process is ensuring the surface you are painting is sound, as you need to have a stable base for the paint to stick to. Any cracks, holes or other imperfections need to be repaired in order to prevent moisture entering the wall when it rains.

The problem is, repairing these surfaces with a neat and attractive finish is difficult to achieve, especially if the surface you are repairing is textured. These surfaces are repaired with a masonry filler which while effective at filling the imperfections are less effective at disguising the repairs. This means that repairs can be visible once painted, leaving a less than perfect finish that can stand-out.

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This is where Emperor Textured Basecoat comes in. The revolutionary basecoat can create a range of textured finishes from light to rough textures, by using our range of textured rollers. The beauty of this is that it is applied as easily as a paint.

Emperor Textured Rollers

We knew that easy application is great, but if the product doesn’t perform then it is no good. That is why we scientifically engineered it to chemically bond to surfaces it is applied to. What does this mean? Well, by chemically bonding to the wall, this forms an ultra-durable protective shield on the wall for long-term performance in all weather conditions. Like all of our products, it is also highly breathable meaning air and water vapour can easily escape because the pores of the walls are not sealed.

The other area that Emperor Textured Basecoat shines is the time and money it saves. Not only does the easy application mean you can repair surfaces without hassle, but the basecoat also prevents the need for more costly and time-consuming rendering. Oh, it also dries quick so it can be painted sooner, preventing any delays to your project.

Crucially, Emperor Textured Basecoat is fully compatible as a basecoat with Emperor Masonry Paint and suitable for use on a wide range of renders, masonry and previously painted surfaces.

Frequently Asked Questions


Of course, Emperor Textured Basecoat isn’t solely for making repairs to existing textured surfaces, it can also be used to give larger areas of rendered, brick or stone walls a new, textured finish.


Yes, the surface you are applying the basecoat to must be sound, so ensuring any failing render is removed is essential. Any cracks or holes larger than 0.5mm must be filled using a good-quality exterior filler before you apply the basecoat. For full instructions read our guide on how to apply Emperor Textured Basecoat.


We have launched 500g sample pots of Emperor Textured Basecoat so you can give it a try and see it for yourself. These sample pots are enough to cover 1m2 giving you perfect opportunity to see how you can save yourself time and effort on your next project. Order your sample pot for just £7 with FREE delivery on all orders.

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Want some technical advice or have a question? Contact our team of experts by calling 01254 936121, emailing [email protected] or by messaging us on Whatsapp. Why not order your sample pot and Emperor Textured Basecoat and see how it can help you finish your project quicker.