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How to apply

Emperor Textured Basecoat

Applying Emperor Textured Basecoat is something that can be done by anyone at home. To help you through the process we’ve put together this guide so you can achieve professional results, no matter your experience level.

Before starting make sure that the temperature is above 5°C for the full application and drying process. In the same vein, make sure that there is also no risk of rainfall while you are applying the product.

You may need: Emperor Textured Basecoattextured rollermasonry brushpaint scuttledustsheetsmasonry filler, sandpaper, paint scraperfilling knifemasking tapepaint paddle.

1. Clean

As with any decorating project, the first place to start is with cleaning the surface. This ensures that there is nothing on the surface that will compromise the performance. Start by washing the wall either with a hosepipe or a stiff brush and hot water.

Once this has been done, apply Emperor Exterior Cleaner to areas where organic growth such as moss, lichens and mildew have developed. This can be done using a brush, roller or pump-sprayer, depending on what is easiest for you. Allow this to dry for 2-3 hours at 20°C.

2. Prepare

The surface you are decorating must be sound before you can paint it. This is crucial for helping to prevent any water getting into the wall, protecting its integrity. If there are any cracks or holes larger than 0.5mm, make sure you fill these with a good-quality exterior filler.

Any cracks smaller than 0.5mm can be filled used Emperor Textured Basecoat. While any loose or defective paint may have been removed during the cleaning process, this is the last opportunity to check whether all previous paint is still sound. If there is any peeling paint, remove this using a paint scraper back to a ‘firm edge’, where no more paint can be removed.

3. Choose your finish

Emperor Textured Basecoat is not only easy to apply but incredibly versatile too. You can achieve different textures, depending on which of our textured rollers you use to apply the basecoat.

Choose from one of our three textured rollers to achieve either a light, medium or rough textured finish easily and effectively. The product can also be applied via brush, for small or hard to reach areas.

4. Apply

Thoroughly mix the basecoat before use with a paint paddle. Generously load your chosen textured roller with the basecoat and simply roll over the surface of the wall. If using a brush, just brush the product on until you achieve your desired finish.

Avoid spreading too thinly as you will lose the texture you have created. You can expect to get a coverage of 350-500g per m2, which will depend on the level of texture you are applying. Once allowed to dry for 24 hours at 20°C, you can paint using Emperor Masonry Paint.


Want to print this guide for when you need it? We recommend downloading this guide and the product datasheet so you have everything you need for when you start painting.

Download this guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to paint over Emperor Textured Basecoat?

Yes, Emperor Textured Basecoat is not a finishing product, it is a basecoat for creating textured surface ready to be painted. You must apply two-coats of Emperor Masonry Paint over the basecoat once it has fully dried.

When will it be touch dry and showerproof?

Emperor Textured Basecoat is touch dry and showerproof in 4 hours at 20°C. At lower temperatures this time will be extended. It is important not to confuse this with the recoat time, which is the time in which you can paint the surface. This is 24 hours at 20°C, again extended at lower temperatures. If you don’t leave the product long enough to cure before painting, you may compromise the finish you achieve.

What surfaces can I apply Emperor Textured Basecoat to?

Emperor Textured Basecoat to any bare or previously painted masonry and render, including brick, stone, cement and silicone-based render.

How much do I need?

The amount of Emperor Textured Basecoat you will require for your project depends on the finish you are achieving and the area of the work. You can expect to achieve between 350-500g per m2, depending on the heaviness of the texture, with lighter textures achieving a higher coverage per m2. As a guide, an 8kg tub of Emperor Textured Basecoat will cover up to 16m2 with a light texture.

What other conditions must be present to apply the product?

As with any exterior paint, you must ensure weather conditions are permitting before starting. Avoid applying if there is any sign of rain, as this can impact the drying of the basecoat. It is crucial that the temperature is above 5°C for the full application and drying process.

If there temperature drops below 5°C, the product will stop curing, and thus the recoat time will be extended until the temperature rises above 5°C again. Relative humidity should not exceed 65%.

How should I repair surfaces before applying Emperor Textured Basecoat?

Any cracks larger than 0.5mm must be filled before you apply Emperor Textured Basecoat. Any cracks smaller than 0.5mm can simply be filled by the basecoat. The reason these surfaces need repairing is that it provides a strong surface for the basecoat to adhere to.

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